JSC English Model Question with Solution

JSC English Model Question with Solution, JSC English Model Question, Class 8 Unseen, Most of these ethnic people living in Bangladesh, J
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Class Eight / JSC English Model Question. Seen and Unseen Passage with Answer. Most of these ethnic people living in Bangladesh have some common characteristics. 

JSC English Model Question with Solution

Class Eight English Model Question

Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3. (Unit–1, Lesson–04)

Most of these ethnic people living in Bangladesh have some common characteristics.They have their own lifestyles. They build their houses on bamboo or wooden platforms called 'machang'.

Rice is their staple food.They eat vegetables, maize and fish, poultry and meat.Their kitchen utensils are bamboo, wooden and earthen pots which they make themselves.Men wear lungis and women wear thamis or sarongs and angis.

Women weave their own clothes.Hunting and fishing are their favourite pastimes.They are fond of songs, music, dances, theatre and fairs.Traditional musical instruments used are bugles made from
 buffalo horns, drums  and bambo flutes.Wrestling is a popular sport for them.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

(a) Ethnic people are the .............. in Bangladesh.
i. majority 
ii. largest part
iii. minority
iv. greatest part

(b) The term 'staple food' means ..............
i. favourite food
ii. rich food
iii. fast food
iv. main food

(c) Their kitchen utensils are made by ..............
i. outsiders
ii. themselves
iii. foreigners
iv. others

(d) Hunting is .............. favourite pastimes of the ethnic people.
i. one
ii. one of the
iii. the only
iv. only

(e) They .............. songs, music, dances, theatre and fairs.
i. dislike
ii. make
iii. sing
iv. like
JSC English Model Question

2. Answer the following questions in your own words.

(a) What is machang?
(b) What is the staple food of ethnic people?
(c) What do their men wear?
(d) What are their traditional musical instruments?
(e) What is their popular sport?
3. Summarize the above text in around 50 words. 
JSC English Model Question, JSC English Model Question


(a) (iii) minority; (b) (iv) main food; (c) (ii) themselves; (d) (ii) one of the; (e) (iv) like.

(a) Machang is the house of the ethnic people, built on bamboo or wooden platforms.
(b) The staple food of ethnic people is rice.
(c) Their men wear lungis.
(d) Their traditional musical instruments are bugles made from buffalo horns, drums and bamboo flutes.
(e) Their popular sport is wrestling.

3. Most of the ethnic people living in Bangladesh have their own lifestyles. They live in machang built on bamboo or wooden platforms. Their staple food is rice. 
They eat vegetables, maize, fish, poultry and meat. Hunting and fishing are their favourite pastimes. They are fond of songs, music, dance etc. Wrestling is their popular sport.

Class Eight English Model Question

Read the following text carefully and answer questions 4 and 5 :

Complete the following table with the information given in the passage :
John Keats was not only a deeply thoughtful poet but also the most studious and inspired artist among the romantics of the 19th century. He was born on October 31, 1795. He lost his father at the age of nine. At fifteen he lost his mother.
In 1811, John Keats became an apprentice to a surgeon at Edmonton. During 1815-17, he continued his studies at the London hospitals but be did not like medicine and he felt that he was born to be a poet. Finally, he returned to literature from surgery. He wrote several sonnets which, with all their maturities, did not attract much attention. 
It was followed in 1818 by the long narrative poem "Endymion" which received warm praise from his friends. He felt very depressed at the death of his brother Tom in the same year. Keats published one more volume, "Hyperion" and other poems in 1820.
Keats had a pre-mature death. He was suffering from consumption. As a last hope, in September 1820, he left England for Italy with his friend Joseph Seven. He died in Rome at the age of twenty-six and was buried in the old Protestant cemetery.
The first memorial to Keats was made in the Paris Church of Hampstead on July 16, 1994. In 1909, the house in which Keats died was opened as a "Keats-Shelley Memorial". The Keats Museum was opened in 1931.

Who  Events Where/ how many Time/ what
Shakespeare was born (i) ....... on 23rd April
He is called
(ii) .......
He (iii) ...... 154 Sonnets
He wrote (iv) ....... Plays
He died Cell (v) .......
Class Eight English Model Test, Class Eight English Model Test

5. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements :

a) John Keats was a poet of the 18th century.
b) When he was nine, his mother died.
c) He was very shocked at the death of his brother.
d) He left English for Italy in 1818.
e) He died at the age of twenty-six.
JSC English Model Question, JSC English Model Question


(i) to a surgeon at Edmonton; (ii) continued his studies; (iii) in 1818; (iv) in September 1820; (v) in Rome.

(a) False. John Keats was a poet of the 19th century.
(b) False. When he was nine, his father died.
(c) True.
(d) False. He left England for Italy in 1820.
(e) True.

JSC English Model Question, JSC English Model Question
JSC English Model Question, JSC English Model Question
Class Eight English Model Question

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