Some Important Class Six English Rearrange with (PDF)

Some Important Class Six English Rearrange with (PDF), Class Six English Rearrange, Class Six English Rearrange for final exam
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Class Six English Rearrange

Class Six English Rearrange

1. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 

(a) In order to teach them the value of unity he called his sons beside him. 

(b) Then he asked his sons to break the bundle of sticks.

(c) The three boys went and brought the sticks and rope for their father. 

(d) The old farmer heard them. 

(e) One day, the sons were quarrelling again.

(f) Once upon a time there was an old farmer.

(g) He told them to bring him three sticks and some rope. 

(h) The three sons always quarrelled with each other. 

(i) The old farmer then tied the sticks together with the rope.

(j) He lived with his wife and three sons in a small village.

Ans: f  j  h e d a g c i b  Class Six English Rearrange

Read More: Class Six English Model Question 

2. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.  5

 (a) Then the leader of the robber came to Saadi.

 (b) The merchant had their goods and a lot of money.

 (c) He had bundle of books and some money with him.

 (d)  They travelled for twelve days without any trouble.

 (e)  He ordered Saadi to give all he had to him.

 (f)  On the thirteenth day a gang of robbers attacked them.

 (g)  Sheikh Saadi handed him the bundle of books and the money without fear.

 (h)  Once Sheikh Saadi was going to Baghdad with a group of rich merchant.

 (i)  Saadi then said, "I hope that you will make good use of these books."

 (j)  The robbers took away all the goods and money from the merchants. 

Ans: h b d f j a e c g i    Class Six English Rearrange

3. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order and re-write them in a paragraph : 5

 (a) Many of them lost their lives.

 (b) They felt extremely happy when they stood there.

 (c) Mount Everest is the highest peak in the Himalayas.

 (d) Thus they went down in the history as the conquerors of Everest.

 (e) They set out on March 10, 1953.

 (f) Many people tried to conquer the mountain but could not.

 (g) At last Hillary and Tenzing led an expedition.

 (h) It is over 29000 feet high.

 (i) After two months of difficult climbing they were able to reach the top.

 (j) It was named after George Everest, an Englishman.

Ans: c j h f a g e i b d   Class Six English Rearrange

4. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) His 'Bangla Shahitter Katha' is the first well arranged history of Bangla literature.

(b) They have come from different places of the world.

(c) He was awarded the Doctorate degree from Sorborne University in 1928.

(d)  The world is full of great men.

(e) Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was one of those who contributed a lot towards the Bangla language.

(f) He then joined the University of Dhaka as a professor of Sanskrit and Bangla.

(g)  He passed the Entrance Examination in 1904.

(h)  He was the greatest scholar of Bengal.

(i)  The great scholar was born on 10 July, 1885.

(j) After that he did his B.A, M.A and B.L respectively. 

Ans: d b e i h g j c f a   Class Six English Rearrange

5. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) It fell into deep water.

(b) His bitter cry drew the attention of the water-goddess.

(c) Once there lived a poor wood cutter.

(d) But he was very honest.

(e) Suddenly his axe slipped out of his hand.

(f) She came to help the wood-cutter.

(g) He became very much grieved.

(h) Everyday he went to cut wood in the jungle.

(i) One day he was cutting wood beside a river.

(j) He began to weep bitterly.

Ans: c d h i e a g j b f   Class Six English Rearrange

6. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph. 5

 (a)  He rose to high position in the army by his good work and courage.

 (b)  France under him was very powerful.

 (c)  More than 190 years ago there lived in France one of the greatest soldiers called Napoleon Bonaparte.

 (d)  When he was young, he joined the French army as an ordinary soldier.

 (e)  He fought several wars with the neighbouring countries and won victories over them.

 (f)  Yet the Frenchmen remember him with due respect.

 (g)  He was born in 1769.

 (h)  He died in 1821.

 (i)  In 1804 he proclaimed himself to be the emperor.

 (j)  He grew very powerful and soon became the greatest man in the country.

Ans: c g d a i b e j h f     Class Six English Rearrange

7. Rearrange the following sentences and re-write them in a paragraph. 5

 (a)  Once he was sold to a farmer who was lazy.

 (b)  But the master became very angry and gave him a bag of  barley.

 (c)  He was famous for his fables on moral lessons.

 (d)  He woke his master but he would not leave his bed.

 (e)  Once there was a man named Aesop in Greece.

 (f)  On the first day Aesop found his master sleeping till sunrise.

 (g)  He asked Aesop to go to field to work for him.

 (h)  He was a slave in his early days but he was very religious minded.

 (i)  Aesop woke his master next day too.

 (j)  He told him to go to the field and sow the seeds.

Ans: e c h a f d g i b j    Class Six English Rearrange

8. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) Each of them was asked.

(b) But nobody confessed the guilt.

(c) Then the Judge hit upon a plan.

(d) A few servants worked in that house.

(e) But all of the servants denied the charge.

(f) All of the servants were summoned to the court.

(g) Once a golden necklace was lost from a rich man's house.

(h) So, the master of the house lodged a complaint before the Judge.

(i) Naturally it was suspected that any one of the servants had stolen the necklace.

(j) He gave each of them a stick of same length and told them to submit them to the court the following day.

Ans: g d i a b h f e c j

9. Rearrange the fallowing sentences in correct order. 5

(a) The crow tried to overturn the jar again and again but it had no effect.

(b) At last he found a jar in a garden.

(c) As he was leaving the jar in despair, he noticed a heap of pebbles nearby.

(d) There was some water but it was at the bottom and out of his reach.

(e) He flew from one place to another in search of water.

(f) He took some pebbles. 

(g) Then he hit upon a plan.

(h) Then he flew away.

(i) Then he dropped the pebbles into the jar.

(j) A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink.

Ans: j e b d a c g f i h   Class Six English Rearrange

10. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

 (a)  He travelled for more than thirty years.

 (b)  He boarded a ship to Chittagong.

 (c)  Outside the town of Sylhet two persons met him.

 (d)  Ibn Batuta became very pleased hearing it.

 (e)  It took him about six months to reach Chittagong.

 (f)  They said that they were sent by Shah Jalal to receive him.

 (g)  From there he had to walk for another month to reach Sylhet.

 (h)  You might have heard the name of Ibn Batuta.

 (i)  He wrote down all that he saw.

 (j)  He heard the name of Shah Jalal of Sylhet and decided to visit him.

Ans: h a i j b e g c f d

11. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

 (a) The first friend climbed up a tree.

 (b)  Suddenly a bear came there.

 (c) Once upon a time two friends were passing by a forest. 

 (d)  The latter couldn't climb up a tree.

 (e) They were talking about their love for each other.

 (f)  He didn't find any way.

 (g)  The bear smelt his ears, nose and face.

 (h)  He laid down on the ground and feigned death.

 (i) Then the bear went away.

 (j)  He thought him to be dead.

Ans; c e b a d f h g j i   Class Six English Rearrange

12. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) Suddenly she woke up.

(b) He filled the pitcher and came back.

(c) His ailing mother was sleeping.

(d) But he found no water in the pitcher.

(e) The well was quite far from their house.

(f) Everybody in the village was sleeping.

(g) At one night the boy Bayezid was busy in studies.

(h) She asked Bayezid to give her a glass of water.

(i) He went to his mother with a glass of water.

(j) So he went to the well situated at the edge of the village.

Ans: g c a h d j e f b i

13. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) This encouraged Bruce very much.

(b) He fled away to save his life.

(c) It fell down again and again.

(d) But it did not give up its attempts.

(e) One day he was lying in a cave in a forest.

(f) Being defeated for six times he lost all hopes.

(g) Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland.

(h) At its seventh attempt, it succeeded in reaching the top.

(i) He noticed a spider trying to reach the top of the steep wall of the cave.

(j) His army was defeated again and again by king Edward I of England.

Ans: g j f b e i c d h a

14. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) The Mayor called a meeting of the councillors.

(b) The people of the town came to the Town Hall.

(c)  At that moment there was a knock at the door.

(d)  They requested the Mayor to do something about the rats.

(e)  The Mayor and the councillors talked about the problem.

(f)  A long time ago, the town of Hamelin in Germany was faced with a great problem.

(g)  The Mayor said, "Come in."

(h)  But they could not find a way out.

(i)  The stranger entered the hall.

(j)  It became full of rats.

Ans: f j b d a e h c g i

15. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) The lion got up.

(b) He further told the lion that he would pay back his kindness someday.

(c) He ran over the lion's body several times.

(d) He caught the mouse in anger and was about to kill him.

(e) He felt much disturbed.

(f) The lion laughed at the mouse and let him go.

(g) The poor mouse begged to be excused for that time.

(h) He confessed his guilt.

(i) A little mouse was there.

(j) Once a lion was fast asleep in a deep forest.

Ans: j i c a e d g h b f

16. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) When he had no other alternative, he started doing work, but it was too late.

(b) Long ago, there lived a young man in a village in America.

(c) Rip was very lazy and he disliked work.

(d) He was simple and fond of children.

(e) But he did not listen to her.

(f) He lost all his wealth.

(g) The children of the village also loved him.

(h) His name was Rip Van Winkle.

(i) His idle habits made his wife angry.

(j) She asked him to earn money to maintain his family.

Ans: b h d g c i j e f a    Class Six English Rearrange

17. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) He declared independence from the Mughal rule.

(b) Akbar, the Emperor of Delhi, sent Shahbaz Khan to punish Issa Khan.

(c) Issa Khan was one of the twelve independent Zamindars of Bengal.

(d) A battle took place near the fort of Egarosindhu.

(e) Issa Khan gladly accepted it.

(f) Akbar then sent his greatest general Maan Singh to Bengal.

(g) But he was defeated.

(h) This made him more angry.

(i) In the battle Maan Singh's son-in-law was killed.

(j) Maan Singh invited Issa Khan to fight a duel.

Ans: c a b g f d i h j e

18. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order: 5

(a)  He was born in 1774 in Kushtia.

(b)  His disciples mostly live in Bangladesh and West Bengal.

(c)  In Bengali culture he has become an icon of religious tolerance and secularism.

(d)  He founded the institute known as Lalon Akhrah in Chheuriya.

(e)  Lalon Shah was a Bengali Baul saint.

(f)  It was about 2 km from Kushtia.

(g)  He was also a song writer.

(h)  Some call him the founder of the Bauls.

(i)  He was indeed a secular thinker.

(j)  He died in 1890.

Ans: e a i c g h d f b j

19. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

 (a)  Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 BS (1899 AD) at Churulia in the district of Burdwan.

 (b) In 1914 when the FIRST WORLD WAR broke out, he wanted to join the army.

 (c) At the age of eleven he showed his poetic genius.

 (d) On his return from the battlefield, he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.

 (e) In 1972, he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet.

 (f) His poem inspired our freedom fighters in the liberation war of Bangladesh.

 (g) At last at the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary soldier.

 (h) He wrote a lot of poems, songs, short stories, gajals, novels, etc and travelled all branches of Bengali literature.

 (i) He died on the 29 August 1976.

 (j) His famous poem Bidrohi stirred the whole nation.

Ans: a c b g d h j f e i    Class Six English Rearrange

20. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 5

(a) Warning bells rang out.

(b) But there were not enough lifeboats.

(c) The 'Titanic' was one of the largest ships in the world.

(d) It tore a big hole in the ship's side and it began to sink.

(e) In 1912 an American shipping company launched a new ship.

(f) Only about 700 survived.

(g) The ship sent out signals but no help came.

(h) It struck an ice-berg on her first voyage.

(i) It was a terrible scene.

(j) Experts said that it was definitely unsinkable.

Ans: e c j h d a b g i f

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