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Little Things - Class 6 English Chapter 2 full Solution | ৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি ২য় অধ্যায়ের সকল সমাধান
New Vocabularies নতুন শব্দভান্ডার:
Unite 2, Lesson:-2.1
Ask and answer the following questions in fairs:
a) How do you help your parents at home? Does that make you or them happy?
Answer: Regularly I help my parents at home. I help my father by careing his Garden. I also help my mother by cleaning the home. I’m always happy as I help them and they feel happy too.
b) What do you usually do to make your brother/sister/friend happy when they are sad?
Answer: When my brother/sister/friend feel sad, I tell them many interesting stories. Al also sing song to make them happy.
c) Do you feel happy when they become happy?
Answer: Yes, I love to see them happy.
d) Have you ever been on a road trip to the hills?
Answer: Yes, last year I went to Bandarban on a road trip. I enjoyed that trip so much.
e) Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar or any other sea beaches? How did you feel then?
Answer: Yes, I visit Cox’s Bazar Twice in a year. I enjoyed the World longest beach trip a lot.
Little Things - Class 6 English Chapter 2 full Solution (PDF)
Unite 2, Lesson:-2.4
Read the poem in pairs to find out the correct words/phrases from the box and write next to the sentences. You can choose more than one answer.
a) What makes a land pleasant?
Answer: Little drops of water and little grains of sand make a land pleasant.
b) What makes the earth an Eden?
Answer: Little deeds of kindness and little words of love make the earth an Eden.
c) How much water makes a mighty ocean?
Answer: A little drops of water makes a mighty ocean.
d) What makes the earth heaven?
Answer: Little deeds of kindness and little words of love make the earth heaven.
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